About Us
Vibra Steam Cleaning Systems is a locally owned and operated business. We have been in business since the early 80’s. That’s where experience comes in. We have also been trained in Indiana at the Bane Clene Institute and we are PCA certified.
Throughout our history we have developed superior technology and processes with one goal in mind – a healthy indoor environment!
We are the choice for many homeowners, realtors and businesses. Why do so many individuals choose us for their cleaning needs?
•Convenient Hours
•Quality Service
•Competitive Pricing
•Superior Technology
•Full Line of Services
We are committed to providing our community with the very best experience.
Good customer service is all about bringing clients back. We don’t just work in Chippewa County—we live here too. Therefore, we want to build positive, trusting relationships with our customers and neighbors.
How do we go about forming such a relationship? We ensure that our business consistently does these things:
1) Answering our phone or returning calls as promptly as possible.
2) Not making promises unless we will keep them.
3) Listening to client’s concerns.
4) Being helpful – even if there’s no immediate profit in it.
5) Taking the extra step.
6) Providing the absolute best cleaning job that is possible.
The customer always comes first. Give us a call today!